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18 (6).   Name: pupspals,  E-mailpups_pals[AT]yahoo.com  22-May-2004 05:26:09
WWW Pagehttp://www.geocities.com/pups_pals  
Love the site & the attention to detail! I just wish there were stuff to download for macs.

17 (5).   Name: Claus Krenauer,  E-mailalfred.krenauer[AT]chello.at  20-May-2004 08:33:50
Hallo! Als großer Fan von Trixi Probello aus "Chip und Chap Die Ritter des Rechts" fühle ich mich hier echt wohl. Besucht doch auch mal die Freunde meines Freundes Björn auf: http://www.fortunecity.de/spielberg/waltd/6/gadg1_e_fc.html#Verteiler1

16 (4).   Name: Leo,  E-mailLnOstt[AT]aol.com  18-Mar-2004 08:22:20
WWW Pagehttp://www.theretrokids.com  
my website will have CDRR info and this website my website is www.theretrokids.com to become a member go to http://theretrokids.proboards29.com/index.cgi?action=register

15 (3).   Name: Alex,  E-mailtep[AT]novoch.ru  04-Mar-2004 02:33:37
WWW Pagehttp://www.toon.eu.org/alex  
To Leo: Webmaster doesn't mind, you can freely link to us.

14 (2).   Name: leo,  E-mailLnOstt[AT]aol.com  29-Feb-2004 08:37:29
WWW Pagehttp://www.theretrokids.com  
this definitely one of the best researched and comprehensive websies on a cartoon on the web this definitely going to be as a web link for my website i how the webmaster of this website does not mind

13 (1).   Name: Leo,  E-mailLnOstt[AT]aol.com  29-Feb-2004 03:32:20
WWW Pagehttp://www.theretrokids.com  
This is an excellent Chip n Dale website this is one of the best websites relating to a cartoon series on the web. I am certainly going to have this site as website as a weblink if the owner of this website doesn't mind

12 (9).   Name: Chris,  E-mailKhap25[AT]Hotmail.com  12-Sep-2003 11:11:21
I really like you're site:o) It has alot of things to do and is one of the best RR sites I've seen, and I've enjoyed it alot too. I hope to see your site flourish:o)

11 (8).   Name: Ruslan,  E-mailcdrr[AT]ok.ru  09-Aug-2003 12:39:23
WWW Pagehttp://www.cdrr.ru  
2hansotto: You can try www.ozon.ru, though I'm not sure if they deliver it to other countries.

10 (7).   Name: hansotto,    05-Aug-2003 03:01:00
a friend of me likes the russian language and i want to know it somebody could tell me sources or an online shop where to buy russian disney movies. thx

9 (6).   Name: Jeannette,  E-mailCutieLB4ever[AT]aol.com  11-Jul-2003 11:32:46
Great Chip & Dale site. me & my brother miss that show we dont have toon disney:0( we remember watching that show when we were little we are 22 now. my fav is Gadget keep up the good work

8 (5).   Name: Indy,  E-mailindy8[AT]charter.net  02-Jun-2003 04:32:36
WWW Pagehttp://www.angelfire.com/tv2/indyranger/Museum.html  
Happy 4th anniversary, Portal! This in my opinion the best Ranger site on the Internet, and it's well-earned the title. I hope all the Russian Rangerphiles will continue to keep this site the wonderful place it's become!

7 (4).   Name: Johan R,  E-mailjohan.rhen[AT]mailbox.swipnet.se  01-Jun-2003 01:12:22
WWW Pagehttp://www.tonakaistudio.com  
Congratulations to four successful years! I'm hoping for many more still to come!

6 (3).   Name: wayc,  E-mailwayc87[AT]hotmail.com  31-May-2003 07:36:33
Hey this site is excellent!! My favorite section is the music section!! I love the music from the show, and the variety here just blew me away. I was so impressed and inspired that I even contributed. I also love the rest of the site too!! I must have spent at least like 3 hours in a row here at one time once. Happy 4th Anniversary Russian CDRR Portal in 2 days!

5 (2).   Name: Schroeder,  E-mailbigd1174[AT]hotmail.com  31-May-2003 05:31:37
Just wanted to say, Happy Fourth Anniversary to this site and keep up the spectacular work! :-)

4 (1).   Name: its a good name....trust me...,    30-Apr-2003 01:53:13
just wanted 2 say hi...i guess...


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