Chapter 2: Space-Rangers day Space-Ranger military base number 15. It was big military complex with casern, labs, parking, garages, archive room and other rooms. Every day base was full of people, like any SRRR base. Voices, screams and orders were hear everywhere, especially in the training zone. Trainers and squad leaders taught rangers new martial arts, shooting and weaponry. Rangers ran, jumped through barriers, and crawled on their bellies if they couldn’t overcome barrier. Mechanics were engaged on the base’s parking and in the garages with military and spy transports, which were made to look like civilian vehicles. In labs, the scientists experimented with new weapons and spy gadgets. Through a giant hangar, where there were some mini-labs and gun arsenals, passed three railways. Trains stopped there on customs control, with rangers checking the cargo. During the weekend, the base worked on a short timetable. At that time, the rangers often visited places of military glory, walking in cities, or just spent the time with family. On third floor of headquarters building in an office by arm-chair sat a man with a grey moustache and in grey uniform. In the office was: a table, which was situated not so far from the door, sofa and book lockers near the wall. This man was Gen. Jack Montgomery, veteran of Galaxy War and the head commander of this base. The casern was nearly empty. Some rangers relaxed here after their jobs. “Coffee is so bracing. So, Chase can do it.” said the mouse Bryan, who sat on the bed in T-shirt with picture of African continent and camouflage pants. On his chest hung a chain with a heart pendant, near him lie the belt with his weapon, double sawed-off shotguns. His hands were scarred, received before the Galaxy War. Once, Bryan and his brother Alan were exiled by a criminal syndicate in an African country. The syndicate wanted to kill Bryan and his brother Alan in an act of betrayal. Bryan’s brother was killed in the first round of action with mercenaries. Bryan saved his brother’s body from villains, while mouse’s friends defended. Bryan fought in Africa for 3 years, but when he was back in USA, he destroyed that criminal syndicate that had betrayed him, who exiled him in Africa. He earned the nickname “Flame man”, but he didn’t shied. Actually he was proud because the girls called him by that nickname. “Hey, Bryan!” said entered into the room combat body mouse in camouflage uniform. “Hey, Chase.” “What are doing here. Drinking coffee?” Chase sat near him. “Yep. It’s nice, and taste. Plus bracing.” “Thank you, I tried. In Mexico I learned more about cooking.” “I think the burrito is hard for you” laughed Bryan. “No, but I’ll cook it for us in one day” confirmed Chase. “How is Steve?” “He is fine, having breakfast with Eli, Milly, Drommy and Spike. Let’s go to them.” “Let’s go.” Bryan drank coffee at one gulp, put the cap on his nightstand and walked with Chase in canteen. Two rangers walked down in first floor and entered into the base’s canteen. The room consisted of two parts: kitchen and canteen rooms with unusual tables and chairs. Different posters hung on the walls. The room was nearly empty too, with six or seven rangers, including brothers in arms of Bryan and Chase. The two mice went to the table, where two young mice, a bear and a pretty chipmunk were sitting. “So, where have you been, ah?” asked the mouse in black jacket and brown pants. “I found Bryan, Steve” answered Chase, sat. “I found him in his room.” “But why are you dressed like a civilian?” asked Bryan, viewed his friends, besides Chase. “Do you forget what the day now?” said the mouse with black moustache and in flight green-yellow jacket and black pants in a surprised tone. Bryan, confused, raised his eyebrow. “We’ll demobilize today!” happily answered the pretty chipmunk-girl, dressed in black wide pants and yellow jacket with dark green bands, near clasp. Bryan’s eyes glinted: did that day become? But demobilize didn’t make him happy so. “Really?” he asked. “Yeah,” she answered. “Hey, don’t you happy?” “Hm… I am…” stammered “Blaze Man” and breathed deeply. “Bryan, don’t tell me that you don’t wanna to demobilize” skeptically said the young mouse with black moustache. “We have done our duty, and we have more skills for helping someone. Young rangers must learn how to fight with evil without us. “No, no, Drommy. I just meant… here so there are many memories for us. It will be hard to leave.” “Hey, don’t look sad, dear,” The chipmunk tickled him under the table with her foot. The mouse shivered with delight from the touch of her fluffy paw. “Besides, there is one law, which allow to us and SRRR to keep contact. But we must choose, help or give it for other rangers” “Heh, thank you, Eli. I think you’re right” “So we’ve decided. We must visit the general this evening.” At this moment, a loud voice from the speakers echoed through the canteen: “Attention to “Elite Rangers”, general wants to see you, now. An emergency call, repeat, an emergency call!” “It’s so strange,” said Chase. “Usually that means a new mission for us.” “Come on, Chase,” stopped big mouse Steve. “We better go see what’s up.” The heroes left the canteen and went to the headquarters building through the main yard of the base. The yard was crowed and every man was working. The Elite Rangers were congratulated for their demobilization, ordered yesterday. Members of the squad waited this day so long and now they could be free - or not… The Rangers entered into headquarters building. Its hall looked like small railway station, with benches, hologram announcements hung on walls, changing ads every minute. At night time part of them worked, but others switched off. Holograms controlled by one room, which situated somewhere in the building. Opposite the entrance was a stairs, followed to lift, second floor and balconies. The heroes used the lift to go upfaster. The lift had moved them on the third floor, into the waiting room. The floor reflected the lights of lamps and holograms, from dynamics heard the music. The Rangers turned right, into a long corridor, where at its end was Montgomery’s cabinet. Stopping near the door, Steve knocked. “Yes,” said the general from behind the door. “Come in.” The squad went inside. The General sat by his table, working with information on his nanocomputer. The screen was a hologram lighted from thin hole in the table. The info on computer’s screen was backwards for Rangers, so they couldn’t read it. “You called for us, sir?” asked Steve. “Yes, Steve. Come in and sit down.” The heroes sat on the sofa, not so far from the table, opposite clear wall. The searchlight in table viewed on that wall, it lighted another screen. “I see here last mission for us?” “Yes, I am sorry. I know that you were scheduled to demobilize today,” answered Montgomery. “What’s up?” asked Steve. “Fifth Police Station asked us for the help. Black Warriors and Fat Cat are back in their illegal business.” “Aw, I’m sick from them! Especially after the news about the Black Warriors,” breathed Chase. “So, what did they do now?” The General switched the screen and on the wall displayed the info about Fat Cat and Black Warriors. After displayed the New York’s map and pointer zoomed one place. “Captain Spinelli informed us that his two officers Kirby and Muldoon found the terrorists van near an abandoned warehouse, in suburb of the city. You know that place because since the Galaxy War, we used it to store provisions there. From Fat Cat’s phone conversations, which were overheard by the officers two days ago, we know that warehouse is the second place of the deal. Do you remember this archive file about casino?” “Sure, sir,” answered Dromoteo. “It was give to Rescue Rangers and two commandos.” “Yeah, they are nice guys,” said the combat bear. “They are veterans like us. SRRR needs them, or they demobilized?” “They have had enough of the war, I think” wistfully said Montgomery. “So. You have a big chance to meet with them.” “With them?” said a pretty, green-eyed mouse girl, and her eyes lit up. “We must help them?” “Yes, Milly. They have been informed about the mission too. Right now, they are in the police station to discuss plans to arrest the terrorists and Fat Cat. The Captain asked me sent a support group to cover RR, and he recommended you. The Rescue Rangers would trace for the deal, because we need in evidences. These two officers would help you, if the mission meets with complications. Your mission is help to RR to arrest the terrorist’s leader and Fat Cat’s gang. If they’ll open fire, shoot to kill, but main targets must be alive! Any questions?” “Is it dangerous, to send RR alone?” asked Milly. “I meant it is too dangerous…” “No, Milly, relax,” smiled general. “You heard, that they veterans, like you.” “Yes, but… we know the cruelty of this terrorist group. They are so cruel on the West.” “You are right, but they lose to us every time. And that’s good for us! We must force them change their mind, or suffer for their actions,” said Bryan “Will anybody meet us?” “You will meet by these two officers, they’ll wait for you near the park,” answered the general. “Are there any more questions?” “No, sir,” said Steve. “Good, you can proceed to your last mission here, and after this is complete, you can demobilize. So, you can meet them closely; they are nice guys,” said Montgomery with smile. The squad got up and exited from the cabinet. When Steve nearly closed the door, general stopped him: “Steve! Hm… take care yourselves.” “Sure, sir!” answered mouse with black glasses, and he followed the others to the garages, which were near the hangar and headquarters building, under the earth. When door had closed, Montgomery went quietly to the window and looked out on the base’s yard. The training zone was full of rookies, music, played on radio, too quiet to be heard in the office. The quietness backed, except the noises, heard outside the window. The Searchlight, which had been lighting the map on the wall, buzzed quietly. Information about the bad guys blinked around the warehouse on the map. The mission was bad and dangerous. It was every time, when the general sent them on a mission. Montgomery said quietly: “Every time I sent them, like in last… Why did this happen on their demobilize day? Hope everything will end OK…” * * * The “Elite Rangers” squad went down under the earth, into the garage department, where the spy and civilain vehicles were stored. Sometimes the rangers used them, for secret missions. Earlier the idea using civilian cars for spy actions was derided, because SRRR had a single uniform, but besides, the idea was signed. The garage department had fifty garages, illuminated inside by neon lamps. Opposite the garages was a wide derrick with ladders and entrances into the hangar, the biggest in base. Steve opened his squad’s ninth garage, which had a civilian black jeep. Around it were shelves with instruments, boxes on the floor and gadgets. From the left side was a door of the gun room, where they stored their own weapons. “Well lock and load, let’s get moving!” ordered Steve. The Rangers entered into gun room and took their weapons. Steve took two Berreta pistols, Bryan - double sawed-off shotguns, Drommy – his own katana-sword and types of shurikens, Chase – a double-barreled shotgun. Spike only took an MP5 gun. Milly and Eli just took M1911 pistols. And when all members of the squad were ready, they stood near the jeep. “Let the luck be with us, at our last mission in this base” said Steve. “Yeah!” chorused the others as they got into the jeep. Bryan switched on the radio. Eli and Milly prepared the computer and communication. “Well, Spike, are you ready?” asked Steve. “We can move on,” answered bear. The squad of space-rangers drove out from garage to the main gates of base. The jeep past the gates, the car drove on forest's way and out of sight. |
© Roman Ushakov |