The League of the Rescue Rangers: first steps

by Roman Ushakov

                Chapter 1: Rescue Rangers day

     It  was  early  morning  in  New   York   City.   Sunrise
illuminated the tops of  skyscrapers  and  huge  bridges.  The
Sun's rays lit  the  rooms  of  the  Rescue  Rangers's  HQ,  a
beautiful two-floor house. Chip sat by the table, which  stood
near windowsill. He viewed the city's landscape  and  put  his
head on his hand. His eyes looked so  sleepy,  from  insomnia,
and the angles of his mouth lowered sadly.  The  chipmunk  had
been there all night, for he couldn't sleep after  yesterday's

                            * * *

     The Rescue Rangers had been cooperating with  5th  Police
Station and 15th SRRR military base, which was situated not so
far from the city on one railway.  When  Chip,  Dale,  Gadget,
Monty and Zipper created their squad, they helped  the  police
and other rangers fight crime. But the missions were not  only
in New York. Sometimes they flew abroad,  because  of  Gadget,
the golden-haired pretty inventor and connections  with  SRRR.
As a gift for their contributions, RR took  one  old  ranger's
helicopter from 15th base and repaired it. The Rescue  Rangers
completed their missions with other  modes  of  transportation
besides the helicopter. At the day, when they met with Gadget,
they invented Rangermobile, which looked like  jeep;  so  they
were in the sky and on the ground. Ranger Headquarters  had  a
helipad inside the court and a garage. During their free time,
the Rangers relaxed at home, sometimes they flew  aboard.  One
day, the Rangers got a call from 5th Police  Station  about  a
job. The Rangers used the Rangermobile to drive to the  police
station.  Once  they  arrived,  the  Rangers  parked  the  car
opposite the building and went inside. The job was everywhere:
one wore documents, other conducted criminals.  One  policeman
met Rangers and said that captain Spinelli waits them. The man
promoted in the rank some  years  ago.  Before  it  he  was  a
sergeant. Entered  the  cabinet,  where  sat  the  fat  middle
heighted man, in white shirt and brown pants with suspenders.
     "Hi there, captain!" welcomed Chip.
     "Hello, Rangers! Sit down."
     The Rangers sat on the sofa, which was situated near  the
     "So, I see here that there is a new job  for  us?"  asked
captain Chip.
     "You've  guessed  correctly  as  always,  Chip"  answered
Spinelli "He is back again..."
     "Fat Cat again?!" said Monty, outraged.
     "Yes, and now with Black Warriors"
     This scared the Rangers. While they had never fought this
terrorist group, they had heard of them..
     "Black Warriors?!" scared Dale. "Well, what do they  want
from Fat Cat?"
     "Two our officers, Kirby and Muldoon,  had  detected  Fat
Cat in one place, where he talked with someone  by  phone.  He
mentioned the Black Warriors and he plans to meet with them"
     The captain went to table with  nanoscreen  and  switched
it. Screen showed the map  with  some  information  about  the
     "They will meet in  Fat  Cat's  casino,  which  you  know
better. We don't know where they will meet there, but we guess
not inside the building. Casino protected by these  terrorists
and security cameras, so it will hard to  go  there.  Here  is
variant with camouflage, but it is too risky, because they can
uncovered  you.  Anyway  we  had  found  one  entrance,  which
protected by Mepps"
     The screen showed  the  photo  of  a  thin  cat  and  his
     "Two of my guys will help you"
     "Who?" asked Chip.
     "Two from the SWAT team, together you'll  catch  Fat  Cat
with his gang and leader  of  the  terrorists  fast,  if  they
haven't some "surprises" for you. Who knows... Any questions?"
     "Were there some  earlier  attempts  at  catching  them?"
asked Gadget.
     "Yes, but  it  failed,  Black  Warriors  interfered.  You
knows, they can use the RPG in society places"
     "Yeah, unfeeling gits!" said Monty.
     "Your mission is catching Fat Cat  and  his  gang  alive,
with these terrorists too. If they'll open fire on you,  shoot
to kill, but main target must stay alive! Do you understand?"
     "Yes, cap!" - answered Chip.
     "Weapons you can get in armory. Good luck to you,  Rescue
Rangers," said the captain.
     "Thank you, captain!" answered the Rangers, and they went
to the armory, where two commandos waited for them. The armory
was a big room with a shooting range and armor  room.  At  the
end of range there were targets with pictures of  bandits  and
terrorists. Commandos stayed near window  of  issuing  weapons
with pistols on belts.
     "So we're working with the Rescue  Rangers,  Jack,"  said
one of commandos.
     "Hi there, Rangers!"
     "Hello, guys!" said Monty, and he shook their hands. "Are
you the men who will help us  catch  Fat  Cat  and  the  Black

     "Yep. Let me  introduce  my  partner  Jack.  My  name  is
     "Glad to meet you guys. Are those for us?"  asked  leader
of RR, showing on pistols.
     "Yep, take them," answered Trevor, giving the pistols  to
Chip, Dale and Monty.
     "Well, Black Warriors, hold on, you're in  big  trouble!"
said the funny red-nosed  chipmunk,  targeting  a  picture  on
     "Hey! Careful, you idiot, they're loaded!"  Chip  grabbed
Dale's hand and thought: "What an idiot! What a shame, man..."
     The Commandos laughed, but  Trevor  said,  not  offending
     "You know, Chip is right. Your friend is very militant.
     "Militant..." whispered the chipmunk discontentedly.
     "Chip!" Gadget gave Chip a shove.
     "Well, its OK," Chip said in a conciliatory tone.
     The Rangers and two commandos left  the  police  station,
got into the Rangermobile, and drove to Fat Cat's  casino.  It
was situated some distance  from  the  police  station,  in  a
region of brothels. Casino looked like casinos  of  Las-Vegas,
but it was one of the Fat Cat's hide  places.  He  could  make
deals while not disturbing the police and SRRR forces. But  it
continued not so long. When police  founded  Fat  Cat  by  one
illegal job in that casino, he  and  his  employees  moved  in
another place and hid there.  Sometimes  they  would  hide  in
crowd, using disguises.
     The Rangers drove towards where the casino was  situated.
In evening times, the building was  illuminated  with  lights,
besides one lane with  emergency  exit.  On  parking  situated
black van and Mercedes. The  street  was  not  crowed,  people
seldom walked here and  shined  by  lights  of  lampposts  and
showcases of shops.
     Stopping  not  far  from  casino,  the  Rangers  and  two
commandos started plan of actions.
     "Here are security cameras. It will  not  so  easy"  said
     "We can  use  disguises  to  get  inside"  offered  Dale,
recalling the first  mission  with  Chip,  when  there  wasn't
Monty, Zipper and Gadget.
     "I didn't know, that  you  offer  that"  surprised  Chip,
after he whispered: "But I thought you can only reading comics
and action films".
     "Hey! I heard that!!!" said Dale, outraged.
     "Boys, stop that now!" shouted Gadget "We're on  mission!
We must plan, who to get there"
     "Maybe we really need disguise?" offered Jack.
     "By  what?"  asked  Monty.  "We   hadn't   anything   for
disguising. From our home to casino rather far, and  while  we
back, they could get away... Whatever, if we had something  of
disguising they would know us in the crowd.
     "Whatever,  we  must  do  something,"  thought  Chip.  He
nervously viewed the casino  from  the  window.  Suddenly  his
attention was attracted this alley, shined  one  lonely  lamp,
over emergency exit. The lane was rather dark, near  the  wall
of another  building  situated  two  trash  cans,  from  sewer
lattices out the steam.
     "Gadget, could you switch off the cameras in that lane?"
     "Sure, Chip," Gadget open her  netbook  and  started  her
     "Well... that's  here...  and  here"  screen  of  netbook
glimmered the codes, which Gadget hacks easily. "Got  it!  But
we have a few minutes to go there. Move out!"
     The Rangers and two commandos got out of the car  fastand
ran to the lane. When the camera switched back  on,  it's  red
light blinking again, the team was near the door.
     "Fuuuh,  I  think  we  managed..."  panted   the   pretty
     "Gadget, are you sure that here only one  camera?"  asked
     "Yes, I'm sure," answered little mouse girl. "We know the
casino better."
     The trash cans exuded a bad smell.  If  the  man,  during
party time out for fresh air, he must  be  surprised  smelling
that "smell". And really, how do you can breathe here? Though,
the casino workers need this garbage them in another place....
     "Let's start looking. Who is there?"  said  Jack,  taking
the locator with thermal from his belt and hold  it  on  door.
Screen  of  locator  showed  a  bright  colorful  picture   of
corridor. From time to time, the blue and red  spots  changed,
like amoebas. The locator beeped when it  spotted  an  armored
wight, which stayed near the wall,  maybe  security.  Fat  Cat
must be here!
     "There's someone, maybe a guard. But  only  one..."  said
Jack, viewing the wight.
     "Maybe he is strong?" interested Dale, cowering a bit.
     "However, he can't stop us. We're got silencers.  By  the
way, there are no security cameras"
     "That's good," said Chip. "Maybe he could go us there?"
     "We should try that," agreed Trevor. "Move away from  the
     The Commando kicked the door. There were loud steps heard
outside, in the corridor. Trevor and Jack stood near two sides
of the door, three Rangers prepared their pistols and targeted
on the door.
     Door had open and red thin cat,  who  dressed  in  ragged
vest and hat, out in lane. When he  saw  armored  Rangers,  he
tried get away, but was caught by two commandos.  They  caught
his hands and put them behind his back.
     "It would be better if you done  your  job  clear,"  said
     "Hey, wait, please, don't kill me!" yelled Mepps.
     "So, why we needn't kill you?" grumbled Monterey.
     "We're on a mission and we need  your  help"  said  Chip,
walking towards the cat.
     "And look out - no tricks!!!" said, Dale.
     "What do you want?" asked Mepps, trembling from fear.
     "We need your cover to go to your boss. You know what  we
mean," explained the leader of the RR.
     "But he has a guard, what do you plan to do?"
     "You'll use me and Gadget like hostages!  And  the  other
will follow for us, but not so close."
     "Chip" said Gadget "Why me?"
     "Well, your skills could help, who  knows  what  will  be
there?" Chip winked at her. She blushed at his words.
     "Hey, could someone go  back  to  the  car  and  continue
watching for cameras?" offered Dale.
     The black nose chipmunk sulked  but  he  kept  his  voice
even: "Aren't you forgetting with whom Fat Cat meets? There is
a risk, because of discovering  and  destroying.  We  must  be
together,  we  needn't  any  victims.  So,  Mepps,   did   you
understand what we need from you?" chipmunk asked thin cat.
     "Yeah, to send them like hostages,"  answered  thin  cat,
trembling as he looked at Monty's pistol.
     "Monty, remove you pistol," asked  Chip.  "He  will  help
     "OK, Chipper." Monty turned to Mepps. "But keep in  mind,
buddy, try to run - and you!.." the big mouse drew  by  finger
on the throat. Mepps yelped in fear. .
     "No, no, I'm serious, I can help you all!" pleaded Mepps.
At that moment he understood, that they  want  help  him,  not
kill, or else Rangers could  arrest  him  and  went  him  into
prison. How long years he tolerated  Fat  Cat's  humiliations,
and it is for  satisfaction  boss's  needs.  And  here  was  a
chance, left this tyrant forever! I must be using now...
     "Allright, everybody know his job"  said  Chip,  and  all
members nodded to him. "Monty, bind us"
     Grand mouse, took ropes, which were taking  by  him  from
the Rangermobile, and started them bind.
     "Chip, are you sure about the plan?" asked Gadget.
     "I'm sure, Gadget" smiled Chip. "It will end quietly"
     "I want to believe..."
     Binded Chip with Gadget, Monterey moved them to Mepps.
     "Give your weapon" ordered Jack to cat.
     Cat gave his pistol, and commando  emptied  it  from  the
bullets. Gave it to Mepps, he said: "We need be sure, that you
don't lie"
     "No, no, everything is honest"
     "Good. Let's go, guys" commanded Chip and all  team  with
commandos entered inside the corridor.  Red  walls  shined  by
hanging lamps. Small rococo stylish table stood with roses  in
vase  near  wall.  Outside  the   casino's   entrance   noised
roulettes, gaming machines and voices of visitors.
     Thin street cat cited the squad to the  end  of  corridor
and said:
     "Here is entrance of boss's secret place"
     "Nice" answered Chip. "So,  you  Mepps  move  us  inside,
others follow us and hide there somewhere  not  far  from  the
deal place. And when you'll  hear  my  scream  on  microphone,
we'll catch them all"
     "Good plan, Chip, but are you  sure,  that  you  two  not
hurt? Who knows what they'll do..."
     "Monty, we know war times like you, so  don't  be  afraid
please, everything will be allright. Move us, Mepps, and don't
forget, that we're hostages"
     "OK" answered red cat and they three entered inside.  The
place was basement, which door camouflaged in wall. The  short
stairs led cat with chipmunk and mouse  girl  turned  in  long
basement. It shined by neon lamps, heating tubes stretched  on
the walls. Everywhere was different trash.
     "Now move on. There is room of the deal" whispered Mepps,
showing on the far door.
     "Roger. Move on" ordered  Chip,  and  after  he  said  on
nanoradio, which was in his black jacket. "Guys  move  inside,
but don't rush, I see two Black Warriors there"
     "Aye, Chipper, we're on!" said Dale.
     "Hey, don't call me Chipper!!!" angered leader.
     Dale switched off the  nanoradio  and  just  grumbled  at
answer. Others moved into basement, by stairs. Mepps, Chip and
Gadget were almost near the door. Two Black Warriors with  new
AK stood on sides of the door.
     "They spied for us, boss asked move them here"
     Guards silently skipped them inside. In room was table in
center and benches, where sat all members of deal. Room shined
by four lamps hanged highly in angles,  like  interview  room.
Fat cat in beautiful violet shirt with one terrorist  in  mask
and black uniform with cloak had sit by the table. Maybe  this
terrorist was leader of Black Warriors. Other  terrorists  and
Fat Cat's gang sat on benches. When  Mepps  entered  with  two
Rangers in the room, all eyes watched on them. Fat cat  turned
his angry view on street cat. Mepps trembled easily.
     "Mepps! How did you can break our deal?!"
     "Boss..." started thin cat, inertly. "I  had  caught  two
Rangers, who spied here..."
     Fat Cat's eyes darkly brightened from "Rangers" word.  He
has been hearing this word everyday, more than SRRR. Out  from
the table, he went to Chip and Gadget and viewing them.
     "Well look, who is here, Black Warriors! This  is  Rescue
Rangers, rather a part of them"
     "I remembered there five  members"  said  the  leader  of
terrorists. "Where are the others?"
     "I think, they founding them. What  a  lucky  day  today:
chipmunk  and  pretty  mousie!!!"  Fat  Cat  moved  to  Gadget
     "Just touch her and you...!!!" screamed Chip,  but  Mepps
kept him tightly, how the chipmunk said.
     Leader  of  terrorists,  seeing   that   scene,   grinned
artfully. Chip alerted with it, and very seriously. Why he did
that strange smile?
     "Well, what will you do with  me?"  grinned  fat  cat  in
violet shirt. "Mepps, keep him tightly!"
     "Where are they, ah?!" thought  chipmunk.  Finally  steps
heard outside of door, and other Rangers  with  two  commandos
ran inside.
     Chip screamed: "That!!!"
     "Freeze! On underground, now, or we'll shoot!!!"  ordered
loudly Jack.
     Mepps left Chip and Gadget, affording  backing  kick.  He
put his hands in the air and went to Fat Cat's gang.
     "Oh, shit!" disappointed RR leader.
     "Kill them all!" ordered leader of terrorist.
     All his  soldiers  took  weapons  and  started  shooting.
Commandos and Rangers  outs  from  the  room  and  hided  from
bullets. Basement was deep under casino, so nobody could  hear
shooting. Heroes  remained  alone,  without  cover  and  help:
versus professional killers.
     "Where the hell you've been, ah?" asked Chip angry  "They
almost kill us!"
     "Well I'm sorry, we needed distract and neutralize  these
two goons!" protested Dale.
     "Boys, stop that, now!" screamed Gadget with shoot sounds
of Uzi. "We must distract them or stun"
     "We'll neutralize them like flies" said Jack. "We  fought
not only with them!"
     Jack's words were right: soon four Black Warriors  downed
after some minutes, but Fat Cat's  gang  were  alive,  because
they hided  by  the  partition,  which  parted  room  on  two.
Terrorist in mask saw that  Rangers  almost  won  the  battle,
screamed loudly:
     "So your games are over!!!" and took  the  smoke  grenade
from his belt, threw it forward, on  Rangers.  Grenade  downed
near the squad and boomed with deep clouds of smoke.
     "Get out away, now!" ordered he to all bad guys and  they
ran away from basement. When smoke had cleared room was empty.
     Stooping Chip kicked floor by fist.
     "Dawn it! They escaped!"
     "Thanks for heavens, grenade wasn't  fragmental..."  said
quietly Trevor.
     "I don't think, that they wanted to do booms here"
     "Chip, take easy. We'll found them in another time. Let's
take ourselves" said Dale, kicked by RR leader on nape.  After
Chip left squad moving out from basement.
     "Hey?! You what???" screamed Dale, padding nape.  In  his
voice heard confusion and tears. Gadget helped Dale  to  stand
and padded his head.
     "What's up with him?" surprised Trevor. "Does  he  do  it
all time with you?"
     "Aw, just  imagine..."  answered  mouse  girl  for  Dale,
disappointed watching on walking Chip

                            * * *

     Black nose chipmunk, remembering that cuff on  the  nape,
grimaced and kicked the table.  His  eyes  narrowed,  nostrils
flared, body trembled from rage. It caused, if  his  red  nose
friend would move to him, he'll pounce on  Dale  and  strangle
him. And the cause was Gadget. Chip loved her with full heart,
but when he saw her with Dale, he fought with him, and  result
was one: Gadget always pitied to Dale and reproached Chip  for
it. RR leader couldn't help it, and he  left  them  with  evil
face, closed in summer room and don't talking with nobody till
long days. These events always made Gadget very sad, but  Dale
just wanted to find the cause of Chip's rage.
     Unexpectedly Chip's memories cut Monty's entering:
     "Ah, you've here, my friend! Let's  have  breakfast,  and
guess what? Cheese pottage, your favorite dish"
     "Oh, what?...  Hm...  I'll  go  soon..."  inappropriately
answered Chip and turned around.
     "Hey, what's up? Something is wrong?"  interested  strong
mouse, putting his hand on chipmunk's shoulder.
     "This mission in casino... That Black Warrior in mask. He
so strangely grinned, when Fat Cat moved to Gadget.  What  did
he mean???"
     "Chip, don't start it in  the  morning,  OK?"  cheerfully
said Monty. "We have weekend today, but you only in jobs.  You
know, you become like Gadget, but she can differ relaxing from
work, you converse them. Did you contract from her, ah?"  male
fat mouse  shoved  Chip  easily  by  elbow.  Chipmunk  laughed
     "Well, I think I'm relaxing with you all too..."
     "Chip, but I see another.  OK,  let's  go,  or  our  dish
become cold" Chip out from chair and went with Monty to dining
room, where others had breakfast. In center of room was  round
table with sitting Dale, Gadget and Zipper, near pretty  mouse
were chairs of Chip and Monty. Cheese pottage poured in dishes
and its smell felt in room and kitchen.
     Dale watched on Chip, he was angry. Chipmunk in  Hawaiian
red shirt shriveled.
     "Oh Chip is here! Where have you  been,  we'll  wait  for
you..." said he shyly.
     Chip sat nervously by  the  table,  and  didn't  pay  his
attention on Dale, had breakfast.
     "Chiiip? Are you OK?"
     "I'm fine" answered gloomily RR leader.
     "Are you sure? Chipper, you looks like another man..."
     When Chip heard that pet name, like pretty  squirrel-girl
Tammy, who lived not so far from RR's  home,  chipmunk  slowly
turned his head. His eyes filled with blood, eyebrows lowered,
what scared Dale.
     "Don't call me Chipper!!! If you  say  that  again,  I'll
show how I am today!" chipmunk prepared the fist.
     "Eh, easy, Chip..." said his friend, but Chip kicked  him
painfully on nape, that  Dale  hardly  turned  own  face  from
     "Chip!" screamed Gadget. Dale resentfully  viewed  on  RR
leader, rubbing bruised on the table  forehead.  What  he  did
badly for Chip? Nothing else. For this simple question you get
cuff on the nape! Double affront from Chip for nothing.
     "For what you kicked him?! He asked you  normal  question
and you... At that mission you kicked him for nothing  now  it
is back. What's up with you, ah?"
     Now Chip understood that he made a big mistake. Gadget as
always stumped RR leader. He couldn't argue with her,  because
of love to her. Must  they  really  solve  this  bad  problem?
Gadget suffered from  theirs  quarrels  more  than  chipmunks.
Monty had tired from  it  too,  everyday  stretching  them  by
grabbing their scruffs. During the Galaxy War they could  know
each other better, but  it  wasn't  enough.  Chipmunks  always
fight for Gadget's  attention.  Sometimes  she  couldn't  help
tears, went in her  workshop  and  closed  there  didn't  wish
anybody. And only Monty with Zipper could pity her, but at the
times, when they weren't in home, it was very hard for  pretty
     "Gadget, I'm sorry... I don't know what's up with  me..."
Chip leaned his head on hand. His appetite disappeared too.
     "Chip, listen" said she  softer.  "If  honestly,  it  was
Dale's idea, spend you here at last. We worried about you too,
because looks not so good. Now take easy and apologize Dale"
     Gadget sat on her chair. Conscience nagged his  soul  for
the happened. Understood  that  he  must  apologize  Dale,  he
calmed a bit and shyly turned to his friend. Red nose chipmunk
sat, faced away from him, angrily twitched.
     "Dale... hm... sorry me please for that  kick.  I  wasn't
right, when I kicked you after that mission in casino.  I  was
too rude with you all, I don't know why..." Chip  lowered  his
eyes, hoping that his friend forgive him.
     "You working too much, that's your problem", answered  to
him Dale. "Well it's allright...  I  told  with  guys  and  we
planned hear from you, what happened with you"
     Chipmunk in hat breathed deeply.
     "So, I see conflict settled" said Monty. "Now, Chip, tell
us, what did happened with you"
     Chip told that event, where Fat Cat moved to  Gadget  and
strange smirk of  that  terrorist  in  mask.  Firstly  Rangers
surprised, but after alerted, why Chip has worried about that.
Chipmunk in brown hat liked read faces of criminals.
     "So, why those smirk alerted you?" interested Dale.
     "Something hides in it" answered Chip musingly. "I  think
he plans something. No, it sounds not good. We  must  be  very
carefully, these terrorists are known by theirs  actions  with
     "Yeah, you right" said Monterey. "Heartless beasts!  What
do they want with it?"
     "Nobody knows... Maybe world  dominance,  like  Fat  Cat.
What we will do next?.."
     "Come on, Chip!" hugged chipmunk Monty.  "Don't  be  sad,
this tomcat always plans to disorganize us, but we always won.
It means, that we can win every battle with Black Warriors! We
passed through a war and saw something the worst.
     "It could be  better,  that  we  didn't  see  it...  Hope
you're, or at one day  it  will,  like  with  one  man,  whose
girlfriend killed and burned by these terrorists. He is  alive
and ran away from home. Now nobody heard about him"
     "Yeah. I'd hear about that cruel crime... Poor  man,  for
him it must be so hard" Gadget's  pretty  blue  eyes  lowered,
Monty and Zipper breathed deeply, and strong mouse said:
     "Let's memory his girlfriend, and drink for him, if he is
alive. Hope he is fine..."
     All squad touched their glasses with lemonade, cooked  by
Dale. Then they sat silently one minute, after it Monty said:
     "Well, OK. Let me tell you one  interesting  story,  what
happened with me in Himalayas..."


© Roman Ushakov