Flash The Wonder Dog

The Complete Super Collection

by Ulrik Raben

     This is the complete collection of fan fics  that  I  had
written  on  Acorn Cafe about Flash The Wonder Dog from the RR
episode with the same name.

                    Flash The Wonder Dog I
               An RR/Oliver & Company crossover
                           PG rated

          Fore play - New York City - Labor Day 2003 

     Flash had  gathered the press in his museum on Fifth Ave-
nue in New York City,  and there was he telling them about his
life from he was a pup, and till he became one of New York Ci-
ty's most famous super heroes.
     Flash said 'I was born on Krypton, and the day that Kryp-
ton was about to go under,  was I sent to Earth by my  parents
in a spaceship.
     As I left Krypton,  was the planet exploding,  and I flew
against Earth,  where I landed in New York City, where a blond
girl found me at Coney Island a late summer evening.'

                New York City - November 1989 

     Flash got taken to the blond girls home at Gramercy Park,
and as the girl discovered the dogs supernatural  powers,  was
she  designing a Wonder Dog suit for her dog,  and Flash saved
people from disasters and criminals.
     But Flash  was  also working as a clumsy reporter in a TV
studio on Times Square with Chip,  Dale, Gadget, Tammy, Monty,
Foxglove  and  Zipper,  and  Tammy and Flash felt in love with
each other.
     Fat Cat and his men,  Lawhiney, and Professor Norton Nim-
nul, who became Flash's arch enemies, was some of New York Ci-
ty's  most wanted criminals,  and they knew that Flash's weak-
ness was Kryptonite rocks, that Nimnul had hidden in his labo-
     Flash had his secret base on the South Pole, that laid in
a mountain cave,  and there was he keeping his super computers
and his own laboratory.
     The evening before Thanksgiving Day, was Chip, Dale, Gad-
get,  Tammy,  Monty,  Foxglove and Zipper taking to the  sneak
preview  of The Little Mermaid,  that was shown in The Lincoln
Center,  and thereafter was they taking up to The  Windows  On
The World in World Trade Center.
     Chip, Dale,  Gadget,  Tammy,  Monty,  Foxglove, Flash and
Zipper  was  reporting  from  the Thanksgiving Day festival on
Fifth Avenue, where Oliver and the dog gang starred in the pa-
rade,  and  Jenny and James watched the parade,  while Flash's
owner inflated Macy's helium balloons,  that she gave  to  the
     Later on that evening was Chip, Dale, Gadget, Tammy, Mon-
ty,  Foxglove,  Flash,  the blond girl and Zipper watching the
anniversary firework over The Statue Of Liberty,  and thereaf-
ter  was Flash and Tammy going to The Rainbow Grill in The Em-
pire State Building.
     After Flash  and  Tammy had shared a glass of soda in The
Rainbow Grill was they going home,  but as they crossed a bac-
kyard  on  Park  Avenue,  was  they meeting a gang of homeless
street dogs,  and the leader said 'You are not welcome in  our
quarter! Get lost!'
     One of the other dogs said 'I know you are friends with a
cat and Dodger and his gangs, we tried to get that cat, but he
ran away from us!'
     Flash went  in  a fight with the wild dogs,  and as Flash
had defeated the dogs,  was more dogs coming out of  a  ruined
building near the backyard,  Flash fought the dogs, but one of
them was beating Flash out.
     As Flash awoke, was he lying in the sewers under the rui-
ned building,  and Lawhiney said 'I finally got you! My guards
got you beaten down,  and they delivered you to me! As you fo-
ught my guards, was Nimnul taking the Rangers to his laborato-
ry on Roosevelt Island!'
     Lahwini continued 'I am going to  visit  Nimnul,  and  he
won't be easy to be defeat!' and then was Lawhiney leaving the
room, and locked the door.
     But Lawhiney was not knowing about Flash's X ray eyes, so
he was cutting a hole in the door, and flew after Lawhiney.
     Flash flew away from the backyard,  and he found Lawhiney
in a empty Subway station,  and Flash caught Lawhiney and said
'You did not know about my X ray eyes, that's why I escaped so
quickly!'and then was Flash taking Lawhiney to the police sta-
tion, and flew against Roosevelt Island.
     Flash arrived in Nimnuls laboratory building on Roosevelt
Island,  and as Flash entered the laboratory, was he searching
for the room where the Rangers was captured.
     The dog  found  Gadget  and her friends in a room,  where
they was captured in something that looked like a old dog  po-
und,  and Gadget said 'Flash! Good to see you! That mad scien-
tist wanted us as a part of his experiment!'
     Flash freed  the  Rangers  by destroying the locked doors
with his x ray eyes, but Nimnul rushed into the room, and said
'Not you again Flash! I spied you with my hidden mini cameras,
and then I thought I would give you a surprise!'
     Nimnul took  a small Kryptonite stone up from his pocket,
and Flash lost his power,  while Chip and Dale tried  to  take
the rock away from Nimnul.
     Chip got Nimnul beaten out, while Dale took the Kryptoni-
te stone and took it to Nimnul's laboratory, and in the meanw-
hile was Flash slowly getting his  power  back,  and  he  said
'Let's get away from here before Nimnul awakes again!'
     As Flash got up on his legs again,  was they running away
from the laboratory, and as they relaxed by a harbor on Roose-
velt Island, was Gadget saying 'Nimnul would had given us evil
telephatic forces just like he gave Lawhiney and Fat Cat!'
     Gadget said 'The professor was easy to defeat, but it was
just a test before we have to face Lawhiney and Fat Cat!'
     Later on that day in the TV studio was Flash and the Ran-
gers  watching a recorded broadcast with Lawhiney,  where five
cops tried to stop her after a robbery in a bank on Wall Stre-
et,  and  Lawhiney  used her telephatic blast to throw them up
against a wall that got destroyed.
     A recorded broadcast with Fat Cat got shown,  and he used
his strength to remove the weapons from the cops and blow them
up against their police car.
     Gadget said 'We can't fight them alone,  we  need  Dodger
and his dog gang to fight Lawhiney and Fat Cat!'

                   Flash The Wonder Dog II
    An RR/Oliver & Company/Secret Of NIMH/X Men crossover

Guest star: Bianca

                          Fore play 

     Flash's parents had a prophecy about five  villains  with
supernatural powers,  who was fighting with Flash, The Rangers
and Dodger and his dog gang in New York City.
     Flash, and  his  friends  fought with Fat Cat,  Lawhiney,
Brutus,  Jenner and Nimnul in a car factory in New York  City,
and  the  villains had defeated Flash with a kryptonite stone,
and his friends was beaten out after the battle they had lost.
     As Fat Cat,  Lawhiney,  Brutus, Jenner and Nimnul got out
of the building,  where the rain and thunder started,  was  an
army of cops getting out of their cars and tried to stop them.
     But Fat Cat, Lawhiney, Brutus, Jenner and Nimnul gathered
their  strengths  to lift one of the cars up,  and threw it up
against the factory building.
     Fat Cat,  Brutus  and Jenner was beating some of the cops
out,  while Lawhiney and Nimnul blasted the  other  cops  away
with their telephatic forces.
     Flash, The Rangers and Dodger and his dog gang  tried  to
stop their arch enemies again after the final battle in Brook-
lyn,  who nearly stood in ruins, but Flash and his friends who
was  seeking  revenge after the villains had destroyed Flash's
museum, was loosing the battle again.

            New York City - The 25th December 1989 

     Fat Cat,  Lawhiney, Brutus, Jenner and Nimnul was held as
prisoners in the jail for dangerous criminals, and they wanted
revenge on Flash and his friends who sent them to jail after a
battle in a junk yard in Bronx.
     As one of the guards came into the cell  with  food,  was
Lawhiney  blowing the cop away with her telephatic blast,  and
the guard shouted 'Fat Cat and his men is getting away!'
     Fat Cat  and  his men ran away from the jail,  the guards
ran after them,  but Fat Cat and Lawhiney gathered strength to
throw the guards to the floor.
     Bianca reported from the jail where  Fat  Cat,  Lawhiney,
Brutus,  Jenner and Nimnul had escaped, and she showed a desc-
ription of the criminals.
     Bianca said  'Fat  Cat and his men escaped from this jail
today,  and beware, Fat Cat, Lawhiney and Nimnul are dangerous
criminals with supernatural powers!'
     Bianca continued 'The criminals got  aboard  a  train  in
Grand Central Terminal, and they has maybe escaped to Jenner's
old building in New Jersey's closed industry quarters!'
     The Rangers,  Flash,  Dodger,  Einstein, Francis and Rita
met in Grand Central Terminal's shopping arcade, and Flash sa-
id  'We  have  to take the next train to New Jersey's industry
quarters and stop them before they escape to the other states,
and fulfill the prophecy!'
     As Flash opened the gate to the cold  ship  factory,  was
the heroes seeing old and dusty machines, that not was used in
years,  while the windows and doors was broken,  and  grafitti
and spider webs was hanging everywhere.
     Fat Cat caught Flash by surprise,  and Lawhiney,  Brutus,
Jenner  and  Nimnul came out from their hide behind one of the
big machines.
     Gadget tried to help Flash, but Lawhiney threw her to the
floor,  Gadget came up again and fought Lawhiney,  while Monty
got Fat Cat beaten out by giving him a punch.
     Chip got blown away by Brutus' telephatic blast, but Dod-
ger  ran Brutus over,  and he felt and stroke his head against
the floor.
     Nimnul ran  away under the fight,  and Flash said 'Nimnul
ran away!' and Gadget said 'We have to get  him  later!  Those
baddies must be stopped first!'
     Flash grabbed Jenners cape,  and he felt  to  the  floor,
while Francis got Jenner beaten out,  and Einstein helped Gad-
get with defeating Lawhiney.
     Flash said  'We defeated Fat Cat and his men,  but Nimnul
ran away!  Let's get out of here before they awake again, this
is just the beginning before the final battle!'
     Flash and his friends got away from the building,  and as
Fat  Cat and his men awoke,  was Fat Cat asking 'Where did the
professor, and Flash and his side kicks go?' and Lawhiney said
'That  coward to the professor had maybe ran away to his labo-
     Lawhiney continued  'Gadget and her team may had ran back
to their headquarter!  I will fight them until the  states  is
lying in ruins, and until the heroes won't be able to stand on
their legs!'

               London - The 26th December 1989 

     Thunderbolt had a dream about his friends who  was  in  a
fight  with some supernatural villains,  who had laid New York
City in ruins.
     Thunderbolt was  running  through  the  ruined  city in a
thunderstorm, and he would help his friends in the battle, but
it  was too late,  as the heroes laid uncounsious in Brooklyn,
he saw in fast movements how Fat Cat and his men had  defeated
the heroes, and then he awoke.
     A postcard was sent by Gadget,  and Gadget wrote that she
and  her  friends needed Thunderbolt's help to defeat Fat Cat,
Lawhiney, Brutus, Jenner and Nimnul.
     Then was  Thunderbolt  taking  to  the airport later that
night,  and got aboard his private airplane,  who flew him  to
John F. Kennedy Airport.

                        New York City 

     Thunderbolt got  welcomed by Gadget and Flash in the air-
port, and as they got something to drink in one of the airport
cafe's, was Thunderbolt talking about his dream, and Flash sa-
id 'The professor is the most important villain  to  stop,  he
gave Fat Cat and his friends the supernatural powers!'
     The two dogs and the mouse took to The  Rockefeller  ska-
ting  arena,  and  there was Gadget saying 'We can't fight the
villains in this city,  we need a place where there is few ci-
tizens, and we talked about the forest at the Niagra falls!'
     Later on in the evening was Flash and  Tammy  and  Gadget
and Chip taking a walk along Battery Park, and they was having
plans about a double wedding in The Little Church  Around  The

                       The Niagra falls 

     The next day was Flash,  Gadget, Chip, Dale, Thunderbolt,
Flash,  Dodger,  Rita,  Einstein and Francis and the  villains
getting aboard a high speed Amtrak train to a station near The
Niagra Falls.
     In the  meanwhile was Tammy,  Foxglove and Zipper staying
home in New York City, and they took care of the headquarter.
     Flash and  his  friends  and  the villains arrived in the
Redwood forest in the evening, the sky was clear, and the moon
and the stars was shining over the deserted forest,  where the
heroes and the villains met by an old and closed cabin.
     Nimnul said 'Let me start the battle with showing you our
new strengths!' and then was he making a tree falling down  on
the cabin,  that got destroyed, and Thunderbolt said 'They are
going to be dangerous in this battle,  and we don't  have  the
same strengths!'
     Thunderbolt tried to  attack  Nimnul,  but  the  dog  got
thrown up on a tree by Nimnul's telephatic attack, and the dog
fainted, while Gadget tried to hold Nimnul down to the ground,
but Jenner knocked Gadget out.
     Suddenly was Lawhiney gathering her  strengths,  and  she
lifted Nimnul, Jenner and Brutus up in the air, and threw them
against the ruined cabin.
     Nimnul, Jenner and Brutus got knocked out under the fall,
and Lawhiney said to Flash 'I had enough of that gang, and es-
pecially  that  mad scientist!  You and your friends would not
have a change to defeat us anyway!'
     Flash said  'I  would like to thank you for the help,  we
would had ended up like that cabin if you wasn't helping  us!'
and  as Gadget awoke was she asking Lawhiney 'Are you and your
friends going to kill us all?'
     Lawhiney said  to  Gadget 'No!  I defeated Nimnul and his
men with my telephatic blast, I think that Nimnul went too far
with his experiments!  I won't join your gang, but I will show
up at the times Lawhiney continued 'I am your sister,  I'm ha-
ving  my  good sides,  and I showed it today!' and Gadget said
'You are welcome,  but I hope you keep on using your strengths
the right way!'

                        New York City.

     Flash and  Tammy,  and  Chip  got  married  in The Little
Church Around The Corner,  and the party was held  at  Flash's
home,  where Thunderbolt, Tammy, Chip and Dale, Georgette, the
blonde girl,  Foxglove and Gadget blew hundreds of  long,  red
and thick balloons up.
     In the meanwhile was the others setting banners up, while
Monty  prepared  the dinner,  the girl played up to dance with
her stereo,  and the party ended first the next day.where  you
are facing a villain you can't beat!'

                   Flash The Wonder Dog III
          An RR/Oliver & Company/Tale Spin crossover

     I have included a dream sequence with Gadget  and  Lawhi-
ney,  that  I  had cut from the first Flash The Wonder Dog fan

                New York City - December 2001 

     Shere Khan and Don Karnage had stolen two small meteorite
rocks  from  The Natural History Museum a late night,  and the
rocks gave the two villains supernatural strengths,  and after
the  police  had tried to stop the villains without luck,  had
Shere Khan and Don escaped to the airport.

                        The North Pole 

     The next day was Flash flying to his base  on  The  North
Pole,  and  there  was he getting inside the dome in the base,
where he could trace super villains that had escaped.
     The dog took place in a chair by a handheld computer, and
the dog used a trackball to enter the password to  the  compu-
     A simulated jet flight from the super dogs  base  to  USA
got  shown on the huge screen on the dome,  and as Flash found
something about the stolen rocks that was stolen from the  mu-
seum in New York City, was his search continuing.
     Flash found the trace of the villains, and they had taken
to Paris, where they had went to a hotel by Montmatre.

                        New York City 

     As Flash went back to The Rangers headquarter,  was Flash
saying 'Shere Khan and Don flew to Paris,  so we have to go to
Paris today!'
     Flash continued 'I read that Don can set things aflame or
explode without touching anything,  while Shere Khan can twist
iron, so they won't be easy to defeat!'
     Later on  that  day  was Flash and Zipper flying to Paris
with Gadget,  Chip, Dale and Monty beside them in their Ranger


     Flash and  his  friends  arrived in Montmatre late in the
evening,  and then was Flash and his friends finding  a  hotel
beside the church.
     Early the next morning was  Flash,  Chip,  Dale,  Gadget,
Zipper and Monty starting their search in the quarter,  and as
they went down in the Metro station, was they seeing a wrecked
train, and the police and the medics was busy.
     The police officer said to Flash 'I am happy to  see  you
here!  The super villains Shere Khan and Don Karnage had wrec-
ked this train,  you and your friends are the only one who can
stop them now!'
     The police officer continued 'Shere Khan and Don escaped,
and they took another train to La Defense!'
     The heroes flew to La Defense,  and as they landed in the
apartment  quarter,  was Flash saying 'Nobody knows where they
went, so I have to use my super hearing!'
     Flash heard Shere Khan and Don in the shopping mall Les 4
Temps nearby, and Flash said 'They are in the shopping mall!'
     The heroes  took to the mall,  and as they got inside the
building,  was Flash saying 'I can  hear  the  villains  in  a
     As the heroes came to the bank,  stole the villains  from
the  cash register,  but they ran away as they saw the heroes,
and the two villains ran to an elevator,  and as Flash, Zipper
and  the villains came inside the elevator,  and the door clo-
sed, was Gadget saying 'We have to run to the parking cellar!'
     Gadget, Chip, Dale and Monty ran down to the parking cel-
lar,  and as they found the elevator,  was the villains out of
sight, and as they saw the dog and Zipper who laid unconscious
on the floor,  said Gadget 'Oh no!  They was  too  strong  for
     As Flash and Zipper was awaking, asked Flash 'What happe-
ned  to  the villains?' and Gadget said 'They ran away,  but I
think we all are so exhausted,  that we have  to  catch  Shere
Khan and Don later on!'
     The police,  the parking guards and the press  surrounded
the heroes, and Flash said 'I tried to hold Don and Shere Khan
back, but they knocked me out!'
     After the  heroes  had explained their unsuccessful fight
against the super criminals, was they taking the train back to
their hotel, and after Flash and his friends had taken a rest,
was Gadget turning on the television.
     The press  and the people was disappointed with the hero-
es, and one of the reporters said 'The super villains Don Kar-
nage  and Shere Khan is wanted all over the world for robberi-
es, assaults and kidnapping!
     The reporter  continued 'Don and Shere Khan are last seen
in the Gare Du Nord Station, where they had found their secret
hideout! Will The Rangers and Flash ever stop those super vil-
lains, or will they loose their battle again?'
     After the heroes had watched the news, did they talk abo-
ut the final fight up against Don and Shere Khan.
     Flash and  The  Rangers took the train to The Triumph Arc
early in the evening,  and they got dinner in  the  restaurant
Hippotamus,  where Flash, Gadget, Chip and Dale and Zipper got
a round peacock helium balloon each.
     After the  dinner  was the six friends taking a walk down
on Champs Elysées,  where they watched the  illuminated  store
windows,  and  thereafter  was the heroes taking back to their
     While Flash  and  his  friends was sleeping,  had Flash a
dream about the times when he got teased for his super  powers
on his home planet.
     Flash dreamt also about the first times when he caught  a
criminal in New York City, and his first meeting with Thunder-
bolt under his missions in London.
     Two millenniums later was The Rangers, Flash and Thunder-
bolt trying to fight Shere Khan, Don Karnage, Nimnul, Lawhiney
and  Fat Cat in a underground city on Mars,  and after a fight
where Flash was alone in the fight at last,  was he  defeating
the villains with his newly discovered super strength.
     In the meanwhile was Gadget having a nightmare about  the
times  she got teased by the kids in New York City,  until she
became a famous scientist, and she dreamt about their childho-
od where she had a happy family on Hawaii.
     It lasted until her sister Lawhiney made her  first  cri-
mes,  and at last in Gadget's dream was she running after Law-
hiney after she had stolen money from a deli in New York City,
and  in  flashes  was  Gadget  seeing memories from their good
childhood relations.
     As Gadget awoke and was crying,  was Chip comforting her,
and Gadget told about her nightmare,  and Chip  said  'Do  not
worry Gadget!  I know she is an evil sister,  but one day will
you maybe gather with her again,  and she will show  her  good
     The day after was Flash and his friends taking to the Ga-
re Du Nord station,  and they met with Shere Khan and Don Kar-
nage in a closed freight terminal by the station.
     Shere Khan said 'Thanked being the meteorite rock, are we
having our super natural powers!' and destroyed the iron gates
in the building,  while Don blew a container with broken train
parts up.
     As Monty,  Chip and Dale attacked Shere Khan,  was Gadget
and Flash fighting Don,  and Flash blew Don to the floor  with
his super blow,  but he came quickly up again,  and Don made a
tank explode that stood near Chip and Dale,  who got blown  to
the ground, and fainted.
     Monty punched Don out,  and Shere Khan said 'I will fight
with you to the end of the world,  no matter if Paris is going
to lay in ruins under our fight!'
     Shere Khan ran out of the building, while Flash ran after
him,  and as Shere Khan gathered his force to destroy the ter-
minal,  was  Monty and Gadget taking the two unconscious chip-
munks out of the terminal,  where every iron parts inside  the
building got destroyed or twisted.
     The freight terminal collapsed,  and Flash and Shere Khan
went  in  a  fight with each other in the ruins,  and as Shere
Khan got beaten the dog to the ground,  was he  holding  Flash
down,  while  he  tried  to gather power to attack the Gare Du
Nord passenger terminal.
     But Monty and Gadget ran over to help Flash,  and he took
a broken pipe from the ruins and knocked Shere Khan out, while
Flash and Gadget held the villain.
     Flash said 'It was very close!  Thanked being you had  we
finally  won  over  the  two villains!' and Monty said 'Don is
still lying buried in the ruins, but I think he survives!'
     Soon was Chip and Dale awaking,  as an army of police and
fire cars arrived at the ruins of the  freight  terminal,  and
the  police officer said to Flash 'Everybody is proud that you
and your friends had stopped the two  criminals,  Paris  would
had been destroyed without your help!'
     After the super dog and his heroes had  talked  with  the
press,  was The Rangers taking back to their hotel,  while the
two super villains got transported to a jail for dangerous su-
per villains in New York City.
     The next morning was Flash, Chip, Dale, Gadget, Monty and
Zipper  flying  back to New York City,  and as they arrived in
New York City later that night was  the  heroes  watching  the
news  on the television about their defeating of Don and Shere

                   Flash The Wonder Dog IV
            An RR/Great Mouse Detective crossover

                    A RR Halloween Special

                      Strongly PG rated

     I made  a RR fan fic before where Rattigans'ghost starred
but I dropped the idea and updated the fic and got some inspi-
ration by Scary Movie.

            An RR's / 101 Dalmatians II crossover 

Guest star: Rattigan's ghost 

                    London - November 2002 

     The Rescue Rangers and Flash took on a˙ one week vacation
in London and they was flying to London  aboard  their  Ranger
     As The Rangers and Flash arrived at Heathrow Airport  was
they checking in at the airport hotel and found their room.
     Later on that evening was The Rangers  and  Flash  taking
the  Ranger  Plane  to  Primrose Hill where they saw the sight
over London as the lights slowly illuminated the city and then
was  they  flying  to Oxford Street where they shopped and got
something to drink in Mark & Spencer's café.
     The next  day  on  Guy Fawkes Day was The Rangers and the
dog taking to the Madame Tussaud's museum where they met Thun-
derbolt at the entrance and Flash said to Thunderbolt 'Hi pal!
Nice to see you!'
     Thunderbolt said 'Hi! What are you doing here?' and Flash
said 'We are on a one week vacation in London!'  and  Thunder-
bolt  asked  Flash 'Where are you living?'˙ and Flash said 'At
the hotel by Heathrow Airport!'
     Thunderbolt said  'The  museum had presented a new statue
of me and Patch last week as 101 Dalmatians II is going to  be
released on video at Christmas!'
     As The Rangers,  Thunderbolt and Flash came to the statue
of Thunderbolt and Patch was Chip taking a picture of them and
as they had been through the museum was they going to a resta-
urant in Chinatown.
     After the dinner was Thunderbolt saying 'Watchout for the
news  because Rattigan's ghost is told to haunt the city after
     Chip said  'I have read about that ghost in an old book I
had found in a antique store!' and  Dale  said  'Rattigan  was
born in a mansion by Bath and it had stood empty since the day
the ghost had haunted it!'
     Thunderbolt said 'Meet me and Pongo and Perdita by Liver-
pool Street Station this evening and we are  going  to  Ratti-
gan's mansion where we have to try and stop that ghost!'
     After The Rangers and Flash had taken a walk through Chi-
natown  was  The  Rangers  going to a supermarket by Picadilly
Circus where the newspapers had  the  story  about  Rattigan's
ghost on the front pages.  Thunderbolt said 'Hi!  What are you
doing here?' and Flash said 'We are on a one week vacation  in
London!'  and Thunderbolt asked Flash 'Where are you living?'˙
and Flash said 'At the hotel by Heathrow Airport!'
     Thunderbolt said  'The  museum had presented a new statue
of me and Patch last week as 101 Dalmatians II is going to  be
released on video at Christmas!'
     As The Rangers,  Thunderbolt and Flash came to the statue
of Thunderbolt and Patch was Chip taking a picture of them and
as they had been through the museum was they going to a resta-
urant in Chinatown.
     After the dinner was Thunderbolt saying 'Watchout for the
news  because Rattigan's ghost is told to haunt the city after
     Chip said  'I have read about that ghost in an old book I
had found in a antique store!' and  Dale  said  'Rattigan  was
born in a mansion by Bath and it had stood empty since the day
the ghost had haunted it!'
     Thunderbolt said 'Meet me and Pongo and Perdita by Liver-
pool Street Station this evening and we are  going  to  Ratti-
gan's mansion where we have to try and stop that ghost!'
     After The Rangers and Flash had taken a walk through Chi-
natown  was  The  Rangers  going to a supermarket by Picadilly
Circus where the newspapers had  the  story  about  Rattigan's
ghost on the front pages.
     The newspapers was writing that the  pubs  that  Rattigan
had visited was haunted,  Rattigan's ghost was seen in Big Ben
where he was told to be killed and visitors was scared away by
the forest where Rattigan had lived in his mansion.
     The Rangers and Flash met with Thunderbolt and  his  fri-
ends as told by the train station that evening, Gadget had bo-
ught a cross that was told to defeat ghosts in an Indian  shop
and  they  sneaked aboard an old freight train that Pongo knew
was going to Bath.
     The Rangers and the dogs came aboard the train as planned
and the freight train drove until it came outside Windsor whe-
re the train got motor problems and stopped.
     It was near midnight and The Rangers and the dogs  jumped
of  the  train  and  ran to the nearby forest where they found
street signs that was leading to Bath and Pongo said 'We  have
to find a place to overnight now and then get to Bath!'
     The moon was shining over the dark forest and Pongo  said
'I  feel  like we're being watched by something!' and Thunder-
bolt said 'I can feel it too,  and it is not  something  natu-
     Gadget looked over the field by the forest and crop circ-
les was drawn in the field and Gadget said 'Look at those crop
circles,  it is not so strange that there is someting superna-
tural in this forest!'
     As The Rangers and the dogs finally came outside the  fo-
rest  was  they finding an abadoned barn that nobody seemed to
use and The Rangers and the dogs chose to overnight there.
     The next  morning  was The Rangers and Flash and Thunder-
bolt going to a small village where they got  their  breakfast
and  then  was  they going to the train station in the village
where they got aboard a train who drove to Bath.
     After The  Rangers  and the dogs seen on the shop windows
was they going to the park where they relaxed for a while  and
later on that evening was they having dinner in a pub.
     Then was The Rangers and the  dogs  going  to  Rattigan's
mansion that laid outside the city and as they entered the ho-
use that slowly was falling apart was Gadget trying to turn on
the electric lights but the electricity was disconnected.
     Suddenly was a bliding light lightning up the  room,  fog
surrounded  the  room  and  The Rangers and the dogs got a bad
surprise as the ghost of Rattigan showed up.
     The ghost  said 'I am finally having guests in my mansion
after all those years but you won't get˙ easily away from  the
house and as you can see is the electricity gone!'
     Flash said 'I think you know why  we  had  arrived!'  and
Gadget showed the cross,  but the ghost said 'A cross and pra-
yers won't send me away,  so get away from my home!' as  eerie
noises began to fill the house that scared The Rangers and the
dogs out of the house.
     As The Rangers and the dogs had arrived at the train sta-
tion after they had ran as fast as possible to  the  city  was
Flash saying 'It was not what we had expected!' and Gadget sa-
id 'Maybe is the ghost an illusion or just a trick!'
     The Rangers  and  the dogs took the next train to Gatwick
Airport and˙ The Rangers and the four dogs felt asleep in  the
train  and awoke as the voice in the loudspeaker told they had
arrived at Tottenham Court Road.
     That night  as  Gadget was sleeping in her hotel room was
she having a nightmare where Lawhiney had given her a recorded
video tape with no label on and as she saw the recording was a
ghoslty Lawhiney showing up on the TV screen.
     The next  day  was  it Guy Fawkes Day and The Rangers and
Flash saw the fireworks over the city from the hill on  Green-
     As The Rangers and Flash took a walk  in  Bloomsbury  was
they seeing the ghost of Rattigan again and Flash said 'We ha-
ve to stop it!' and they ran after the ghost  who  disappeared
without a trace by an old building.
     The Rangers and Flash ran inside the building and as they
heard  something move on the floor above them was they running
up the stairs and found a door where a door sign was hanged up
and there stood 'Nim's Laboratory'
     Flash whispered 'It can only be Dr. Nimnul that is hiding
behind that door!' and Gadget said 'You may be right! It looks
like we have found the clue to the supernatural events!'
     Flash opened the door to the laboratory and as they ente-
red the room was they seeing some advanced machines  that  was
standing in the room.
     Nimnul that stood by one of the machines who made  holog-
raphic pictures said 'So,  you came here at last, and it was a
great secret with all those ghost stories until you came  here
and spoiled my plans!'
     Flash said 'I want you to give you to  the  police  where
you  can  explain  how  you made the ghosts realistic,  and it
won't be without a fight!'
     As the dog and Nimnul went in a fight with each other was
Gadget, Chip, Dale and Monty examining the machines and Gadget
said  'Now  I  understand why we got cheated in that mansion!'
and Chip said 'They look like something that Nimnul had stolen
from a studio!'
     Flash had beaten Nimnul out under the fight and Flash sa-
id 'Now we only need to deliver him to the nearest police sta-
tion and get the rid of those spooky stories!'
     After The  Rangers  and Flash had delivered Nimnul to the
police was they having dinner in Harrod's restaurant and  took
home to the airport hotel thereafter.

© Ulrik Raben