This episode is a saga about
Monty's tail. More precisely, it is about
a misfortune of it. During the episode Monty's tail was exposed to
all kinds of misfortune and at the end it looked like an old bast whisp...
Now, the story. The Rescue Rangers
learned about a strange monster who attacked a truck full of
chilled fish and decided to investigate this case. Soon, they found out
that a company of sea inhabitants under the leadership of captain
Finn perform these attacks in order
to take revenge on humanity and disenthral the all sea inhabitants.
One of objects of their future attacks is a local delphinarium.
Rescue Rangers tryed, and failed, prevent this. However by a fluke
they captured one of Finn's team members - an octopus named
All Hands. Using All Hands as
bait, the team sets off in pursuit of the captain...