How looks your train of dream? If it is loaded with a gold
bullion, then it's undoubtedly,
Fat Cat's train.
Dale has a bad day.
Today nothing is going right. Last night the chipmunk was watching TV till
midnight and this morning he strives to lay down anywhere. And choosing
the most inappropriate places such as a toaster or a washing machine. After
Dale fell asleep on his feet, the team
became anxious. You see, they were searching for a missing
toy engine.
Worse was to come, when the Rescue Rangers found out that
Dale walks in his sleep. An incident at a construction site
drove Chip crazy. And
Zipper was put in charge of
the sleepy chipmunk...
However, soon everybody realized that Dale's sleeping walking
could have a positive moment. Being late for everything, he contrived
to be late for being taken prisoner by Fat Cat. Dale, the only one who
remained free has to rescue his friends and prevent
a bank from being robbed by Fat Cat. Still yawning, the chipmunk started
to act...