The Rescue Rangers are on a vacation
now. Or it's just exercise? Who knows... Anyway, they go for a walk in the forest.
Everybody, except Dale. He heard that there is a frightful wild animal
in the forest and decided to stay in camp.
Dale meets a little boy -
Dale with all his courage decides to
protect the boy from this wild animal. But Jeremy is a fidget, like all small kids.
Dale turned away from him only for a second and th little boy straddled a snag
and sets out for his first trip down the river. Unfortunately Dale failed to
catch Jeremy...
But a big brown bear has
succeed in it. As soon as Dale saw Jeremy in the bear's clutches, he called
for his friends for help.
And the Rescue Rangers came in a great hurry. But people, who
also became anxious about Jeremy's disappearance, armed to the teeth
set out in search of him...