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Collapsible Garpoon

General view of collapsible garpoon

The General Description

The Collapsible "Garpoon" was developed by Gadget. It isn't meant for fishing, though after minimal modifications it can be used for it. The "Garpoon" was intended to "fish out" small items (photos, papers and etc.) from tables at the police station. Once they "fished out" Dale with it in "Chocolate Chips" (#33).

The "Garpoon" includes a collapsible ruler with a pin and a rope attached to it. The rope is coiled at reel with a handle. When separated, the ruler works as a fishing-rod for casting the pin. Then turning the reel pulls the pin back.

The captured DaleWork form



fine easy subjects

Power Source

muscular force

Where Was the Collapsible Garpoon Used


Name of episode


#01 Catteries Not Included --
#15 Battle of the Bulge --
#21 Train to Cashville --
#23 Throw Mummy From the Train --
#33 Chocolate Chips --

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